Saturday, 1 November 2014

This little light of mine - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

FATHER, This little light of mine, I will make it shine... give You all the Glory, 'coz none of it is mine, give You praise for Your Amazing Grace, daily I will come to Your throne to seek Your face,

I once was lost but now I'm found, my feet You place on steady ground, with my brothers and sisters I'll make a joyful sound,

I once was blind but now I see, far beyond my wildest dreams, miracles You've shown me, not because of unbelieve, but just to show how much You Love me,

DADDY, I once was weak, but You came and strengthen me, gave me victory in the battlefield, without me having to move my feet, You showed me principles like 'what you sow you will reap', daily You constantly bless me, the evidence in the air I breath,

JESUS, You died for me, come and live inside me...


1 comment:

  1. Nice one Bro, keep going and giving God all the glory!
