My Daily Declaration

I am no longer a slave to fear. I am no longer a slave to sin. I am a child of GOD. I am His servant. I am called with a Purpose. I have a Destiny. I am a Warrior for Christ. I am the Head and not the tail. I am a heir to His Kingdom through Jesus Christ.

I am a man in Christ. I will be faithful to my wife[the one GOD has set apart for me, and in return she will remain faithful towards and to me]. I will Honor her with my actions and word. I will Love her from now until GOD permits me.

I am a father in Christ. I will look after those He entrusted me with. Bringing them up in the Will of GOD. Whether they will be born of me[one day when I'm married] or given in my care.

I'm in this world, but not of this world.

I was what I was, I am what I am, but I'm going to be what GOD wants me to be.

This I declare in Jesus Name. Amen.


I wrote this declaration on the 12/05/08, and made an alteration to it on the 07/04/09. I added [the one GOD has set apart for me. until we meet] and [one day when I'm married], and on 16/06/12, I removed "until we meet" in [the one GOD has set apart for me. until we meet]. On 14/04/13, I added "and in return she will remain faithful towards and to me" in [the one GOD has set apart for me], and added "Bringing them up in the Will of GOD" after the sentence "I will look after those He entrusted me with". On 19/06/15, I added "I am no longer a slave to fear. I am no longer a slave to sin."

This was and still is, how I feel about who I am and who I want to be, towards my future wife and children, God Willing.

I'm not perfect and never will be, but that doesn't mean I can't move towards it... I can't do any of these in my own strength, that's why I ask all of these in Jesus name. 

1 comment:

  1. Go forth and be BOLD with the authority you have in and from Jesus! Rita
