Sayings & Thoughts

Welcome to my Beautiful Mind... sharing my thoughts... 

CONSTANTLY Fill your mind with TRUTH; so when a lie tries to creep in, it will standout like a sore thumb.
It will be like painting your room white; any dirt stains will be easily spotted and can be dealt with. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Dreaming becomes a reality when it is left in God's hands and if it is in alignment with God's Word. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I'll rather have a bad reputation with a good heart, then a good reputation with a bad heart. A reputation isn't eternal. Your character will speak for itself. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


When the emotions kick in; the truth often take a backseat. Don't let your emotions take the driving seat. If you give it licences to drive, it can destroy you. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


There's Only One GOD [I AM.... the Alpha and Omega... ABBA Father], and there's No comparison. Creator cannot be compared by creation's creation. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


all you need is creativity and the boldness to execute it. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


finding oneself isn't as easy as looking into a mirror, and also the one looking back isn't always truthful. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Ladies: remain in the hands of God, 'coz no man will be able to open up God hands to take you, but God will open up His hands to the right man who will be wed you. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


When you come to understand and comprehend God's Love. There is no way you can remain the same. Whether it is an instant change in behaviour [towards others and yourself], or a gradual journey. Change will take place. It is a mindset alteration. The battle is for the mind, within the mind. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


You cannot take from the privilege and give to the unprivileged and call yourself a just man. Create opportunities and healthy environments to uplift both. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Your field can only produce what you have sown. Do not expect a harvest of any other kind. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I absolutely Love Honesty, I Hate being lied to, I prefer to get hurt by the truth than to be protected by Lies. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


As soon as you let go of the desires that's toxic; you'll have made room for the desires that is godly. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I feel like an ant in an ant hill
And you’re the queen
Too extreme
Dating you would be like a dream
One I never would want to wake up from
At least now you know how I feel
  - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


if you want the truth, you got to take the whole truth, not just the piece that suits you, i know it might at times bruise you, but it can also heal you, why choose to live life blindfolded, being fooled, i would choose a truth that would hurt me over any and all lies, no compromise - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Love can only be measured in actions, and by No other means. Words carries weight when accompanied with deeds - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


get it off your chest, give your heart some rest, at times it might seem that it's not for the best, and you feel the need to protest, but as you unload the hurt and hatred will become less, and what was once a mess, is now a story of success... - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Don't follow your heart, listen to the voice of God. Don't follow your mind, adhere to the word of God. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


the biggest threat in this world are forgiveness, innocence, purity, kindness and love - let us all live love - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


beauty isn't in the eye of the beholder, isn't skin deep, isn't on a cover of a magazine, beauty can't be found by others, isn't when others find you hot, beauty is a personal discovery, beauty is a state of mind, self acceptance, beauty lies in character - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


a poet by heart *give me a line and I'll give you a rhyme - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I'm only human, but my humanity shouldn't be an excuse for my actions. In every situation there is always a choice, we just tend to not choose the option that is difficult, and say I didn't have a choice.  - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Do not find an enemy in people, but look for the puppet master pulling the strings.  - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

When i'm with you I need a dictionary to relay what I want to say coz a simple I love you won't do it and your presence is so overwhelming that I even forget my own name  - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Childhood may end, but the child in you don't have to die. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

Don't look for honey at a bird's nest. Good rewards isn't always easy to obtain. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I am not who people perceive me to be, but I will become who I perceive myself to be. My actions are the verb of my thoughts - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Our hearts are like a treasure that only the right person can locate and gain
access to, without a treasure map - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Beauty that's only skin deep is Beauty that lacks character - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


When the pen drops the page agony stops, scribbling line for line
in your mind as you pick up the page and read what was on 
my mind - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Families aren't perfect, but there are something perfect within
them, called Love. Love can't be anything other than perfect. 
-Riaan 'JePro' Davids


i'm naughty by nature... well-mannered by choice 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


it never hurts to be kind and helpful, it unlocks something
powerful and wonderful, whether in the near or far future. 
it's a bridge build on solid foundation, that provide access 
on both ends. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


i forgot to put on my mask today; so all you gonna get is 
me! Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Love without Limitation, Hope without obstacles, Dream 
without giving up; Give with a pure Heart, Take with a 
clean Mind and Greet expectation with open arms. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


i can only be true to everyone else, once i'm true to myself.  
Live Love  Riaan 'JePro' Davids


finding oneself isn't as easy as looking into a mirror, and
also the one looking back isn't always truthful. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Don't use life as an excuse to die; but use death as an 
excuse to live... Live Love Riaan 'JePro' Davids


i am da1&onlyPoet->JePro, love me or hate me, but don't 
be a fake around me or with me, coz i can be like a mirror 
reflecting you... Riaan 'JePro' Davids


true love isn't found in words it's in the selfless actions 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


if you decide to go about your own way, be careful not to 
use breadcrumbs as a means to find your way back home... 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


art isn't about perfection... it's about perception. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I'm me and nobody else, and won't ever be someone else
but me, so accept me for me or just leave me be... I'm the 
real deal Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Life's all about what you make of it... so be creative! 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


How do I say without words, that which actions can't do 
any justice? I can only express to the best of my abilities
what my heart relay to my mind. Let me start with three 
simple words that will initiate actions... I Love you. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Where ever I go I come with my own spotlight; coz I 
don't need affirmation from others. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


people who are trying to pull me down are people who 
aren't on my level, but it's cool, I'll keep on walking over 
their heads. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


A picture speaks a thousand words... but how many 
of them are truthful? Riaan 'JePro' Davids


many make mistakes and don't learn from them. many 
make mistakes and learn from it. but not a lot make 
mistakes, learn from it and having fun through the 
whole process... - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


all good things come to an end, but the great ones 
last forever... LOVE Riaan 'JePro' Davids


they say nice guys end up last, i rather be that last guy 
she ends up with, then just being one of the guys she's 
with until she ends up with that nice guy that ends up 
last. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Love can only be great in practice when love are fully 
comprehended in theory Riaan 'JePro' Davids


The best way to describe love is in action... show the one 
you love just how much you love them in words everyone 
understands; through deed. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


money can't buy you happiness, but it can help you spoil the 
one that brings you happiness... Riaan 'JePro' Davids


only a few knows and only a few who knows show that 
they know... so i just want to let you all know that i know 
that Jesus is LORD!!! - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


believing is an act of opening up your hands in order to 
receive... - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


i'm not doing the best that I can; coz if I did, I would've 
been better than what I am... time to step back, think 
about the next step and then gear up and break through 
all obsticles; coz victory is achieved through effort and 
not just knowing what to do. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


A book without pages will make for an easy read from 
cover to cover, but less interesting and with no fulfillment. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


give me a day to walk in your shoes, so that i can be more 
compassionate and understanding towards you 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


The past can affect one's future but it shouldn't determine it. 
What one do at this present moment alters the outcome of 
one's future experience. You can either be the audience in 
your life's experiences or be in it. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Lord send me sharpeners to sharpen me and erasers to correct 
me when I make mistakes and allow me to be both to those in 
my life. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


time for a new philosophy, time to live the prophecy, time to 
do and not say and act upon, each and everyday 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Seeking is a state of mind where satisfaction hasn't been reached. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I can only work on being someone I'm meant to be; and not 
someone you want me to be. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


one thing that always remains faithul and true; is one's actions. 
how a person react on a given action is a revelation of one of 
one's characteristics. and there's always room for change, if you 
don't like the portrait others see in oneself. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


the difference between 'money & time' and 'love & time' is that in 
a lifetime money's value goes up and down, but love only grows 
stronger and stronger as time goes by. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


i'm a thinker and a believer and at the moment an inbetweener, 
as i'm inbetween what could and what will be, coz there's certain 
things that ought to be. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


words have the power to melt your heart; but actions has the ability 
to change it... live love - Riaan 'JePro' Davids.


a thought has proven to be powerful. it captivates some minds, 
imprison some and set others' free. you are the only one who 
can save guard your mind. filter the things entering your mind. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Friends are like stepping stones... if one isn't there to support you; 
replace it with a solid one. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


if the saying is true, that all men are dogs; well, then i'm a cute house 
puppy, loyal and true, gentle on the eye, and make one hell of a friend 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


we are all teachers... as we teach others how to treat us... by what we 
allow them to do or not to do... - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


i can only be me, so if you were expecting someone else, you are in
for a rude awakening... i can only be the best in being me... even 
though i can act, it doesn't mean i'm going to try to be someone else... 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


the heart speaks volumes; but it doesn't always communicate through 
words, but one's behaviour - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


it's better to seek joy then happiness. joy remains for ever. happiness 
are affected by how your circumstances makes you feel. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids

if you keep on running from your problems; not only will it catch up 
with you, but you will be too tired to fight. so take your problem on 
while you still have the strength to. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


to be motivated is easy. to get it done is the hard work, but the results 
are always pleasing. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Are you placing a crown of thornes on Jesus by the life you are 
living, or a crown of acknowledging that Jesus is Lord. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I'm praying for a heart of gold that can't be sold, that are bold and 
will never grow cold - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


if you are not treated as you think you ought to be. remember... you 
teach others how to treat you. by what you allow them to do. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


who's your puppet master? who's controlling you? are you being 
deceived or lead by the true master... Jesus - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


i'm on a journey looking for that bottomless pit. a pit full of endless 
love. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Love is an empty word if it's not accompanied with actions. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


we all live on borrowed time, so make the most of it, coz we don't 
know how much we have left of it. make every decision out of 
love and follow through with grace. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


poets are like roses. one of God's finest creation. beautiful and the 
power to melt a hard heart. but we also have the ability to protect 
ourself, that's why we have thorns. -Riaan 'JePro' Davids


God broke the mold after creating me. not because there was 
something wrong, but because He decided to make me one of 
a kind - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


money can buy you stuff, but Love can provide you happiness. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


signs are there for a reason, and you might not always see the 
danger... but that doesn't mean you should ignore it. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


who are you allowing to write your life story. is it an autobiography 
or written by someone who knows your beginning to end. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Love comes in many shapes and forms, but the best is in the shape 
of a lower case t. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


going once, going twice, going going... sold to the one who paid 
the highest price. God come collect my heart. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I was what I was, I am what I am, but I'm going to be what God 
wants me to be. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


life is what it is; nothing more and nothing less. when you find out 
what it is, then you can truly start living. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


love is just a word for some, an emotion for many, but a choice to 
those who knows the true meaning of love - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


change only takes place when a choice has been made 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


funny how you do things your way and blame others when it 
doesn't work out and then there's that foolishness of blaming 
God for your mistakes but he still shows you love wow that 
must be his amazing grace - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


I can only give u what I have and nothing more; sometimes less. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Love is more than a four letter word. It's a choice driven by 
emotions. It's an action moved by choice. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Don't let other people's perception of you change your outlook 
on life... But let your outlook on life change their perception of 
you... And let your perception of you come from the One who made you... YWHW (GOD) - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


The key thing about making your dream a reality; is to wake up. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Many say yes to life, but do you know their perception of life and 
what they consider as living? - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Truth is like the sun, the clouds may hide it for a moment, but it is 
there and will shine brightly. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Life is like a musical, you can either participate or sit in the audience. 
Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Breathing is easy but living isn't always. - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


Live life to the fullest, but don't forget the key ingredient, the source 
of life... Jesus! - Riaan 'JePro' Davids


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