Thursday, 25 April 2013

Match-Maker - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

young girl all alone on a bench crying, heartbroken, soaking in her tears and pondering on her fears, fear of never being good enough, fear of never ending up in her happily ever after, her fears extends like a list which most girls relates with, her heart is tender, her body untouched, her lips never encountered another in passionate wonder, she's wondering is there anyone out there for me, is someone looking for me, searching for his queen

young boy walking in the park thinking, is everyone right about me, am i gay, am i weird, am i a looser, why am i not in a relationship, am i the only one who's been single his whole life, heart's breaking, a closet full of masks, can't let go of all the smile faking, meeting girls but none of them is her, the queen he's seeking

life seems so random, obstacles and struggles are so unplanned, but each step and each decision brought them into a path, none of them could understand, their life's journey heading into a crossroad, unaware of each other, and the appending meeting where they'll meet face to face, a chapter of their love story before the chapter of romance

young boy walking in a park, young girl sitting on a bench, distracted by the sunlight beam he looked away, she's looking down as she stood up straight, a collision some would call fate, apologies followed by silence as both of them are lost for words, in that moment it was evident, but they didn't know as for that moment was a split second, but seemed forever

from the exchanging of names to the gathering of friends, a few years pass by, but still they had thoughts like the ones they had when they met on that faithful day, but one event changed all of that, and what i've yet to mention, is that these two have GOD as their centre, He's the perfect match-maker, He brought them together, building a Love within them that will last forever, the event that caused their eyes to see the perfect union that they will be, happened in the presence of the author of Love, Father God

they individually wondered if waiting was the path to follow, sleepless nights and thoughts that brought them under, all of those they wouldn't wish on another, but they believe and now see the fruits of waiting, they are experiencing unimaginable wonder, their love story bringing GOD Glory

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