Wednesday, 17 April 2013

LOVE (from the heart of a poet)... Continuation - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

i've come to learn that I should only have one heart's desire. many isn't aware of this truth, and many isn't aware of his love, his unconditional love.

seeking first... and everything else will fall into place. when you seek whole heartedly after God's kingdom, everything else in your life will fall into place. your life and everything revolving around it, is like a puzzle. and only God knows what piece must go where. so if you come to him with everything, he will put them in place. so it's only fair to not blame God if things doesn't go accordingly, if you are keeping certain aspects of your life to yourself and not handing it over to God. for God gave us free will and he won't put his hands in an area of your life if you haven't requested of him.

so to conclude, my heart desire should be focused on him, and him only. as there is only room for one. he will take care of the rest, he will give me his best, not because I deserve it, but because he loves me and i'm following one of his kingdom principals.

I want to be in God's perfect will...

I do realise that people will put me under a magnifying glass, but I won't allow them to judge me, and I won't be a prisoner, captured by their thoughts... and i'm not in anyway conveying that i'm perfect or better than the next person, for I myself isn't God, and cannot judge. I believe in accepting people for who they are, that doesn't mean I should agree or approve their choice of lifestyle.

this isn't something new to me, but of relevance, and a 'now word' - this poet's desire - JePro

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