Candice may you have a Blessed Birthday
And plenty more to follow
New beginnings ever new dawn
Daily experience the FATHER's Love and Blessings
I wish you all the Happiness that's far beyond what this world can provide
Constant Joy and Peace
Everlasting Love that will never cease
Wonderful and Beautiful lady that you are
I pray that you will receive your heart's desires
Life filled and surrounded with Loved ones
Letting you know just how much you are Blessed
In closing I just want to say
All that I can say in these few sentences
May this day be as Beautiful as you are
Sweet angel... GOD BLESS!!!
Sunday, 30 December 2012
you don't know the words - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
you don't know the words, to this love song i wrote, and i don't know why, but i keep on and try, just to see you smile, might be awhile 'til you see me again, but when you do, just know that it is true, love was the pen, and what i feel for you the ink, and this song came to be, 'coz you needed to know, so this lyrics i wrote, to express and confess, and to you this song is addressed, so that you know the words, to this love song i wrote
i don't know the words, captured in your heart, what you feel inside, what you choose to hide, but i keep on and try, and maybe i'll smile, 'coz what's in your heart, is a love song you wrote, for a one man audience, a seat reserved just for me, and you choose to sing and express, to me you confess, so that i know the words, to this love song you wrote
so my desire, a love that will never expire, one love song inspired, by individual love songs we each admire, combined to be performed as a duet, unlike romeo and juliette, we'll live to experience what we wrote, the love songs we devote for each other, you say i do, i say i do, the beginning of one love song that we will write together forever, and one pen our love, and what we both feel within the ink writing our love song, and this time around we both know the words, to this love song we wrote, without having to express and confess, 'coz we are one and so much blessed, and not enough paper in the world to write down all
just to think we didn't know the words to the love songs we wrote, but now we know every word
i don't know the words, captured in your heart, what you feel inside, what you choose to hide, but i keep on and try, and maybe i'll smile, 'coz what's in your heart, is a love song you wrote, for a one man audience, a seat reserved just for me, and you choose to sing and express, to me you confess, so that i know the words, to this love song you wrote
so my desire, a love that will never expire, one love song inspired, by individual love songs we each admire, combined to be performed as a duet, unlike romeo and juliette, we'll live to experience what we wrote, the love songs we devote for each other, you say i do, i say i do, the beginning of one love song that we will write together forever, and one pen our love, and what we both feel within the ink writing our love song, and this time around we both know the words, to this love song we wrote, without having to express and confess, 'coz we are one and so much blessed, and not enough paper in the world to write down all
just to think we didn't know the words to the love songs we wrote, but now we know every word
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Let me speak - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
let me say something then you can reply and say what's on your heart, i will respect your views and what you have to say, but keep in mind if it's not in line with the truth then i will not accept it, i will not be affected no disrespect but it's just a fact, so this is what i have to say, there's no more time for game playing, don't put away your xbox playstation or pc games, burn it toss it make away with it, replace that time uterlized for playing with praying, i'm just saying make place for the one who does all the saving, i'm not talking about piggy saving box, banking or under the bed moola safe keeping, i'm talking about life after death saving, eternal life through the one and only JESUS CHRIST, his the way the truth and life, and no one comes to the Father except through him, and what i really mean by game playing, is our lifestyle we leading that's not pleasing, that's not according to his leading and teachings, our lifestyle, all that we are should glorify GOD, and must not take focus away from Him and unto anything else, artists paint pictures and "realities" with words, and those out to deceive the listeners do it so cleverly and distract the listeners with the production, the beats, rhymes etc., that the listeners doesn't take a closer look to that picture, and doesn't realise that within that portrait painted is an obscure reality of the truth, lies so cleverly formed in lyrics that it seems truthful, we should pray for revelation insight and understanding to what we choose to listen to, we shouldn't be the artist doing the painting, we should be the paint brush and allow the true artist (FATHER GOD) to do the painting, our life the picture bringing glory to the artist, music is an instrument being used by both good and evil, i for one want to be an instrument for good, being used in GOD's will for His kingdom..
Friday, 30 November 2012
Who's baby is this? - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
I've been seeking high and low
From where the river start
Until where it stops to flow
Pleas tell me, who's baby is this
I laid in a crypt/laid there with no one to care/no one around/no one to pick me up when I cry/no one to feed me and clean me when it's needed/no one who adores me/am I that ugly/does no one love me/why am I here all alone an outcast/tell me how long will this loneliness last/am I just a thought in the past/who gave birth to me and what thing would just leave me/coz no mother on earth will throw away her child/not even in the animal kingdom/one of them might as well have given birth to me/I would've been better off/am I hitting a nerve or are you just dead inside/someone please come and keep me alive/I don't wanna die/what did I do and to whom must I apologize/don't you hear my cry/give me a loudspeaker i'm too weak to shout/i'm drowning in my own tears!/please help!/i'm just a child/I didn't choose to be here/what if you were in my shoes/metaphorically that is/I don't think i'll grow up to wear shoes/to walk a mile/I won't even put a smile on the one I would've come to love/I won't even have a dream/right now I would even welcome a nightmare/I might be scared/but at least I would be breathing/this is my plea/if you are out there/don't leave me to be/come set me free/i'm struggling to breath now/seems like the air is running out/(gasping for breath)and as I take my last breath/I just want to say I hate you!/go **** yourself and may you burn in hell!/
I wrote this for all the babies who for obvious reasons don't have a voice. Who are we to decide their fate. Who are we to play God. Whether they were a mistake, whether you were this case I know it seems hard and awful that it happened to you, but still, aborting is saying that God can't out of an ugly situation create greatness and give birth to life...
From where the river start
Until where it stops to flow
Pleas tell me, who's baby is this
I laid in a crypt/laid there with no one to care/no one around/no one to pick me up when I cry/no one to feed me and clean me when it's needed/no one who adores me/am I that ugly/does no one love me/why am I here all alone an outcast/tell me how long will this loneliness last/am I just a thought in the past/who gave birth to me and what thing would just leave me/coz no mother on earth will throw away her child/not even in the animal kingdom/one of them might as well have given birth to me/I would've been better off/am I hitting a nerve or are you just dead inside/someone please come and keep me alive/I don't wanna die/what did I do and to whom must I apologize/don't you hear my cry/give me a loudspeaker i'm too weak to shout/i'm drowning in my own tears!/please help!/i'm just a child/I didn't choose to be here/what if you were in my shoes/metaphorically that is/I don't think i'll grow up to wear shoes/to walk a mile/I won't even put a smile on the one I would've come to love/I won't even have a dream/right now I would even welcome a nightmare/I might be scared/but at least I would be breathing/this is my plea/if you are out there/don't leave me to be/come set me free/i'm struggling to breath now/seems like the air is running out/(gasping for breath)and as I take my last breath/I just want to say I hate you!/go **** yourself and may you burn in hell!/
I wrote this for all the babies who for obvious reasons don't have a voice. Who are we to decide their fate. Who are we to play God. Whether they were a mistake, whether you were this case I know it seems hard and awful that it happened to you, but still, aborting is saying that God can't out of an ugly situation create greatness and give birth to life...
You need to know - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
I just want to hit you with a flow/so that you may know that i'm the mc in control of this m - i - c/repin the real mc/JC/he set my eyes upon him/he's my life dj giving my heart beats/and sending blood through my veins keeping my mind alive/so that I can speak for him through air waves/to let you all know that he came to set free slaves/we are all slaves to a lifestyle of impurity idolatry/but there's hope for us/becoz of him who hang on the tree/just for you and me/JC/well-known as Jesus did it all/he's the bridge we all need to cross/whether poor or rich young or old full of love or just plain cold/stop sellin yourself short you are wonderful just the way you are/don't be judged by people even if they have a master degree/if you think you're better than me I don't agree/and i'm not saying that i'm better/if I may give advice this is what I have to say/keep his word with you/it's a two edge sword/devil throw flames coz he's surrounded by flames he is in flames/but he can't drag you to hell/the choices you make will take care of that/but there's hope for you the same hope that's extended to me/heaven or hell/death or life/satan's lifestyle full of experiencing fleshly desires/a lot of fun a lot of good times but a costly car drive representing your life/26 inches that shiny rims sex money homies/but there's a limit to it like a credit limit/and like debt collectors satan's gonna come to collect/the price is your very soul spiritual death/and now the better lifestyle/it may not seem glamorous but it's fabulous/and truthfully it's dangerous coz you will have a bulls-eye on you/the worldly system trying to bring you down/but down let go of your crown given to you by him who breath life into you/it's time to represent his kingdom/coz that's the very kingdom you'll enter in after the second coming of the king/he called us to worship him/that's why I love singing about him/even in my sleep I encounter him/whether I know or not coz his within me and he will never leave or forsake me/who's army are you enlisted to/who's end of your career benefits will you be accustom to/who's receiving your love your devotion/don't be fooled by emotions it's always been about choice/if you upset me I grow angry inside and I can raise my voice when speaking back at you/or choose to speak gently calming down the situation/leaving no room for devil manifestation and my God aint fiction he's my hero/and you won't find him in a phone booth/changing roles from a reporter to superman/my God ain't man/I don't think you understand/not even me can fully comprehend/but I just know he's not like spiderman/swinging from building to building/my God is omni-present/you won't find his nose in a book studying in a library/coz he's omniscient/and he don't have to turn green like incredible hulk/my God is omnipotent/did you know when i'm lacking he will provide/coz he's Jehovah Jirah in plain english he's my provider/I don't think we're living on borrow time but it's true time aint ours/we are privileged to have access to it/and in this lifetime before tick tick time's up/you need to place your life into the Savior's hands/and with all your heart selfish desires needs to be withstand/come join the clan soldiers for Jehovah join the body be part of the bride/be front-liners not backsliders/I just stand in awe coz second chances he do provide us/but it's more than one you can't count it up/it's too many it will take more than one lifetime and still you wouldn't had scratched the surface/no need to be nervous it's beautiful wonderful never too full/no separations of cool and uncool we are all a like/just different in our walk with the Lord/give me time I need to talk/but i'll let the beat entertain you for a moment/as I catch my breathe coz I don't want to make a mess/let me count it down 10 9 8/wait/wait/change of plans got to get this piece of information in before it's too late/there's two gates ahead heaven and hell and we are blindfolded with someone holding our hands leading us/so the question is do you know where you'll end up/make that choice so that you may rest assured/choose him who inspired this rhyme/all in due time it's your time choose Jesus/read the bible so that you may know that i'm not taking this too far/you need him like our lungs needs oxygen/without it gasp gasp last breathe flat-line i'm glad that I know that Jesus can say this boy is mine/doesn't that sound so/wow/i'm happy coz through Christ everything will be fine/any mountain I can climb/he paid the cost of death for my crime so that I wouldn't had to spend the time/coz there's no parole and no getting out/yes once again i'm talking about hell/so let me finish off with this/John 3:16/go and read it and start your journey with him/all God's richest blessings I speak over you the listener/God Bless/I must confess my life was a mess but now I live without stress/my Jesus is the best/once again God Bless/
Jesus thank you/let this speak to the hearts you aim to/
Jesus thank you/let this speak to the hearts you aim to/
I couldn't deny my heart - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
I wasn't a prisoner until I was a prisoner of my heart/I wasn't a slave until I was driven by my desires/I wasn't hooked until I took one bite out of love/I wasn't impressed until I was mesmerized by your beauty/I wouldn't have done it but my knees gave in/a love song my heart began to sing/the rationalistic of a dream I never dared to dream/I wouldn't have done it but I couldn't just let it be/I had a choice but my heart took that from me/I knew I had options but my body adhered only one/falling in love wasn't planned but nature took a different course/I couldn't deny it because my heart didn't allow it/I could sign this anonymous and believe I have won the battle against my heart/but what if your heart felt the same way but couldn't respond/because your heart wasn't presented with the truth that would alter it's options/then not only did I robbed my heart of this love story but yours too/so here I am a poet in love/writing this song my heart wants to sing to you/hoping that you feel the same way too/
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
She Is - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
i hope all you ladies will be loved like this and more...
she's beautiful/she's human/she's an angel without wings/she has a smile that can calm a storm/she's a picture i carry around in my heart/she's in my thoughts/she's just someone that can't be ignored/whatever she ask for i always want to give more/her beauty runs deep/you can explore/you'll see it's true when you reach her core/when i think about it/i wonder just how much more can i write about her/and one day when she looks back/will she know i always loved her/would she love my declaration in word or in deed/how about both but which one more/will she be keeping score/o i hope not coz i'm a man flawed/and can't promise to never disappoint her/or even say that i will never hurt her/but one thing i'm sure about is/i will always love her/try my best to always honor her/and with my two hands build a platform where she feels free to dream/i can't live her life/i can't live her dreams/but i sure hope i'm in both of them/and if i'm not i still hope she's happy in both of them/even if it's with another man/coz she is/nothing more nothing less/she's a perfect fit/stands out beautifully in this imperfect world/like a rose in a nuclear waste dump/i never knew loving someone can be this much fun/and when i'm scared i don't have the urge to run/i hold her hand and tell her i'll be right by your side hun/and should we both stare at the end of the barrel of a gun/i'll be sure to jump in front of her so that she'll have a fighting chance/she is/
she's my world/she's got it all/i will catch her if she should ever fall/let her know on me she can always call/she's a princess/i'll request the last dance at the end of the world/yeah i want to be with her till the end/i want to be her lover her helping hand and her best friend/taking snapshots capturing moments making memories/from our first hello first date first kiss first fight first make up first i love you/to holding of hands saying goodbye to take our last breath/and everything in between/she walking down the isle and our individual i do's/and the home we filled with loving memories/laughter tears and seeing our kids leaving for college/that's life and we can loose it all in an instance/but at least we can say we lived love/coz living without love is just existing/an empty vase that never gets filled with flowers/useless/a car exploding in a parking lot with zero miles on it/never knowing its potential/but that's not we/no/she is/she is gorgeous wonderful pure/she is lovely pretty and much more/she is/
now let me tell you what she's not/she's not your punching bag/she's not your sides with your main course/she's not a peace of meat/she's not on a menu/so don't think you can purchase her/she's not less important than your car job friends/so don't be neglecting her/she's not perfect don't be judging her/she's not one of the plenty fishes in the sea/she's unique/she's not the catch of the day/don't be one night standing her/picture this/what if she was your mother sister daughter/how would you feel if someone be treating her like she's useless/unwrapping her taking a bite and hand her to the next person/she's not your peace of chocolate/if you undress her/be sure you're the only one with this privilege for the rest of her life/and be sure to do it right/the church the i do's then you can have your honeymoon/in that order because/she is/
she's beautiful/she's human/she's an angel without wings/she has a smile that can calm a storm/she's a picture i carry around in my heart/she's in my thoughts/she's just someone that can't be ignored/whatever she ask for i always want to give more/her beauty runs deep/you can explore/you'll see it's true when you reach her core/when i think about it/i wonder just how much more can i write about her/and one day when she looks back/will she know i always loved her/would she love my declaration in word or in deed/how about both but which one more/will she be keeping score/o i hope not coz i'm a man flawed/and can't promise to never disappoint her/or even say that i will never hurt her/but one thing i'm sure about is/i will always love her/try my best to always honor her/and with my two hands build a platform where she feels free to dream/i can't live her life/i can't live her dreams/but i sure hope i'm in both of them/and if i'm not i still hope she's happy in both of them/even if it's with another man/coz she is/nothing more nothing less/she's a perfect fit/stands out beautifully in this imperfect world/like a rose in a nuclear waste dump/i never knew loving someone can be this much fun/and when i'm scared i don't have the urge to run/i hold her hand and tell her i'll be right by your side hun/and should we both stare at the end of the barrel of a gun/i'll be sure to jump in front of her so that she'll have a fighting chance/she is/
she's my world/she's got it all/i will catch her if she should ever fall/let her know on me she can always call/she's a princess/i'll request the last dance at the end of the world/yeah i want to be with her till the end/i want to be her lover her helping hand and her best friend/taking snapshots capturing moments making memories/from our first hello first date first kiss first fight first make up first i love you/to holding of hands saying goodbye to take our last breath/and everything in between/she walking down the isle and our individual i do's/and the home we filled with loving memories/laughter tears and seeing our kids leaving for college/that's life and we can loose it all in an instance/but at least we can say we lived love/coz living without love is just existing/an empty vase that never gets filled with flowers/useless/a car exploding in a parking lot with zero miles on it/never knowing its potential/but that's not we/no/she is/she is gorgeous wonderful pure/she is lovely pretty and much more/she is/
now let me tell you what she's not/she's not your punching bag/she's not your sides with your main course/she's not a peace of meat/she's not on a menu/so don't think you can purchase her/she's not less important than your car job friends/so don't be neglecting her/she's not perfect don't be judging her/she's not one of the plenty fishes in the sea/she's unique/she's not the catch of the day/don't be one night standing her/picture this/what if she was your mother sister daughter/how would you feel if someone be treating her like she's useless/unwrapping her taking a bite and hand her to the next person/she's not your peace of chocolate/if you undress her/be sure you're the only one with this privilege for the rest of her life/and be sure to do it right/the church the i do's then you can have your honeymoon/in that order because/she is/
Beautiful Woman (the song) - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
Beautiful woman, Wonderful woman, do you see yourself as I see you, my eyes are open to the truth, no longer blinded by my selfish ambitions, no more regretting neglecting disrespecting or hating, this is for you, this love song coming from my heart, a mindset renewed, a soul knowing it found it's mate, you and me together it's fate, I know it's not a mistake, this feeling inside I know you can relate, we felt it at the beginning on our very first date, to our second and third date, leading to our monthly picnic alongside the lake, a love so pure filled with romantic gestures, a love so blessed with greener pastures, obstacles are a reality, and there are a variety, from differences between us to opinions of society, but we don't allow anything to come between us, our foundation love honesty and trust, and faithfulness a must, in the midst of temptation, because of our love for one another we fight off lust, there's only one you, and only one me, and no one else will do, Beautiful woman, Lovely woman, it is true, like treasure I've been searching for you, the map my heart, and that's how I found you, and if someone else should be looking for you, they won't be able to find you, coz there's only one map and one place where you are located, and that's my heart, so my beautiful I just want to let you know, you are my treasure, always shining bright, you are my precious, and wanting you are in my nature that I will not fight, so as we close our eyes tonight, and as we hold each other tight, know that you and me together just feel right
Monday, 17 September 2012
Beautiful Woman - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
Beautiful woman, who are you allowing to validate your self-worth.
Whose standards are you following.
Do not let a man be the centre of who you are.
And do not think or believe that just any man can complete you.
The right man is there to complement you, and you him.
Two whole persons becoming one.
Become whole by knowing who you are.
You are beautiful not because of your outer appearance.
You are beautiful because of your heart.
Your love.
Your inner strength.
Your character, although flawed, still wonderfully you.
No one is perfect, so in your imperfections do not undermine your worth.
Do not think less of yourself.
Remember to teach others how to treat you, by firstly treating yourself with love and respect.
Respecting your body, respecting your heart.
Do not let just any person enter.
Status and wealth are earthly belongings, and are nowhere close to your worth.
So do not let these influence the way you see yourself, and especially who you let inside.
These are only blinding you from true love and that which matter most.
Remember you're a queen and ought to be treated like one.
But just know, your prince may be in the one everyone sees as the beast.
Beautiful woman learn to see with your heart, and not looking at his outer appearance and status.
He might just be a diamond in the rough.
But be careful too of those who's out to use you.
Winning you over with their charm.
Do not fall for their trap.
So in closing... Be careful of who you let in.
And once you know who you are, the beautiful woman that you are, no one can sell you short and break your heart....
Whose standards are you following.
Do not let a man be the centre of who you are.
And do not think or believe that just any man can complete you.
The right man is there to complement you, and you him.
Two whole persons becoming one.
Become whole by knowing who you are.
You are beautiful not because of your outer appearance.
You are beautiful because of your heart.
Your love.
Your inner strength.
Your character, although flawed, still wonderfully you.
No one is perfect, so in your imperfections do not undermine your worth.
Do not think less of yourself.
Remember to teach others how to treat you, by firstly treating yourself with love and respect.
Respecting your body, respecting your heart.
Do not let just any person enter.
Status and wealth are earthly belongings, and are nowhere close to your worth.
So do not let these influence the way you see yourself, and especially who you let inside.
These are only blinding you from true love and that which matter most.
Remember you're a queen and ought to be treated like one.
But just know, your prince may be in the one everyone sees as the beast.
Beautiful woman learn to see with your heart, and not looking at his outer appearance and status.
He might just be a diamond in the rough.
But be careful too of those who's out to use you.
Winning you over with their charm.
Do not fall for their trap.
So in closing... Be careful of who you let in.
And once you know who you are, the beautiful woman that you are, no one can sell you short and break your heart....
Monday, 10 September 2012
If I eva had a chance - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
If I eva had a chance, I'll step up and romance, but truth be told, this story is kinda old, as old as me, I choke up when it comes to telling you, only if my lips could do what my heart wants to, and if my heart and mind is so ready, what's keeping me from asking you for us to become steady, I'm a poet and some of you know it, it comes easy for me when the pen hits the paper, but asking my vocals to express, makes me nervous and I'm afraid it will end up in a mess, I must confess, I dream and fantasize of telling, then got afraid you won't buy what I'm selling, the thing is I was only hiding, but look into my lyrics and you'll shall find me, I'm not playing hide and seek, I'm just a boy shy, who's heart gets denied, a man scared, and maybe just need to be dared, a lonely soul left out in the cold, everyday hoping to be bold, and step inside out of the rain and into your heart, I know I can be a man worthy, of a love so beautiful, a heart that's so plentiful, a soul that's so wonderful, a mind that's incredible, and an outer beauty so out of this world, and still don't come close to your inner beauty that touched my soul, this for all the girls I ever loved and haven't told, and especially the current girl I desire, from which this lyrics was inspired, and hopefully won't become part of a history I regret, so if our eyes ever meet, let my lips speak, and my words flow, coz you're the girl if available, I don't want to let go, if there's a chance, an opportunity I do not want to pass, so when I do look into this present day that will become my past, I want to smile and be filled with joy, coz this moment in time is where it all starts...
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Live Love - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
love for some is just a word/but for others like me it's a verb/a doing word/an action/a word that's utterly perfection/can't be defiled/no traces of lies/no place for compromise/it's time to open up some eyes/give them a surprise/a rude awakening/an unexpected feeling at times that are hard to express/but i must confess/i'm awake/no more time for sleeping/learned by my mistakes/love a pure emotion i'm seeking/you must be thinking i'm dreaming/no such thing that i believe in/but i'm telling you now/love is alive even when hearts stop beating/if you know what i'm talking about/then start living/live love
don't you wanna/don't you wanna start doing/doing what's right/starting right now/live love/start with love and start living life without compromise/live love
i'm 28 years old/going through mix emotions/falling easily and getting up quickly/not giving love a fighting chance/looking for imperfections to get me off this rollercoaster ride that got my heart captured/she just another girl i like and falling in love/but this time around i'm sticking around/sticking it out/giving it my attention and looking for the potential of becoming more than just boy meets girl/giving love a poetic heartbeat/moving our feets/walking towards each other/talking with more than lips/actioning how i feel and keeping it real/i'm aware it might not be easy/but anything worth fighting for is worth sticking around for/amour/love
don't you wanna/don't you wanna start doing/doing what's right/starting right now/live love/start with love and start living life without compromise/live love
now as always got to give glory to the one and only/the one that's love in itself/GOD/he created us to love/so who are we to not live love/he showed us what's love is all about/didn't compromise/didn't think twice/didn't look at our imperfections and decided otherwise/so thank you GOD for 1st Corinthians 13 love/and more so for John 3 verse 16 love/on a cross died for sinners that don't deserve your love/defeated death to give us eternal life/what love/people that rejected you/crucified you/denied you/didn't believe in you/wants nothing to do with you/still giving your life/what love/help me to walk in your footsteps and love unconditionally/by your example i want to live love
Saturday, 11 August 2012
IT'S IN ME TO BE - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
hide and seek no more/child's play/i was a screw up then and now and then/but i'm me and no longer ashamed/i'm just gonna be/call me on my name i will respond/hate on me and i will have fun/coz i know something about me you want to be but can't/i'm JePro way to hetero/don't call me homo just because i don't have a girl and never had one/just because the norm says you have to walk one way/doesn't make it a good way/neither the way/good here i go/goto go/on a roll with this flow/slow your roll/before you get a heavy blow/and loose your soul/there's only one way and it's his way/choose now before forever dawns on you/and choice is no longer an option
i'm trading in my old got to have that name brand/JESUS!/wearing the new/a new me a new life new insight a new walk a new talk new eyes to look at a new dawn/i'm born anew/born again that's me set free/not by might nor by power on that faithful hour before my life grew sour/by THE SPIRIT!/i love you LORD! because you loved me first/you quenched my thirst/and a new me you gave birthed/now i want to tell the world about a LORD of MERCY! LORD of PEACE/LORD of lords/faithful KING above all kings/JESUS!
final verse/a couple of times rehearsed/six feet under not me/full of thunder/call me a none hit wonder/the stage is not mine/i might never have my time/the world is his platform/and i'm just sharing/a heart that's caring/a soul that's daring/a life that's willing/willingly walking to my death bed/coz i know there will be an adversary/but he can't have me/not mc hammer so he can touch me/but only to the extend that the LORD allows him/his my sparring partner/making me stronger/each and every level holding out longer/LORD i know it's in me to be me all of me all i can be no longer hiding
Monday, 6 August 2012
Broken Arrows - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
Many mirrors in one room
All the faces
Pictured places
Towards one man's doom
I had assumed
She must've had perfume
For him to be lured
Causing him to abjure
Bringing me back straight to the core
Waiting to settle the score
Investing your money at Wall Street
Is looking for your defeat
Now you want me to be discreet
Wanting me to make ends meat
You try to keep it real
Pushing away what you feel
Her heart you want to steal
Thinking you can break steal
Another Arrow Broken
U want fame
Decided to join the game
Everything went to your brain
And you think you got a lot to gain
Looking at you in a picture frame
Leaving behind your stain
And no, it aint a joke
Making fun at others heavy yoke
Another Arrow Broken
Running away to the States
Seeking open gates
Stunned and fascinate
By the one whom you underestimate
Surprisingly she yawn
As you inject your spawn
Making her laugh because you had generate
But couldn't separate
The precious
From her ferocious
Another Arrow Broken
Because of your greed
You left your people in need
Walking bare feet
And many empty stomachs to feed
Fighting to stop a dispute
Getting you forever substitute
Your sister the prostitute
Now forever mute
Another Arrow Broken
She is Superfine
Sorry, but she's mine
I heard you are doing time
And it's not even your crime
Your wife Tarren
Doctor said she's Barren
Seized and teased
And couldn't be pleased
Situated on the tower
Is your flower
She's turning sour
By the hour
Another Arrow Broken
Owning your own federation
From generation to generation
Putting in to consideration
All the consolation
For all the people small and tall
Who refuse to fall
And now due to your sudden end
Your siblings had to defend
The family name
But it won't be the same
For tomorrow
And all the sorrow
And endless struggle
Many things to juggle
Your relatives, more determine
To stop the company's famine
Your brother got a long-distance call
But didn't seemed bothered at all
Until he got mail
And suddenly he started to wail
Another Arrow Broken
Thursday, 26 July 2012
A Woman's Worth - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
A woman's worth isn't measured by her attributes
Nor by what one can gain from her
She's beautiful in her own right
Gorgeous in her own sight
And to those who can truly see her for her
For the majority of mankind
Physical appearance is a blindfold
Not allowing one to see the beauty within
A woman's worth isn't measured by others' opinions of her
Nor can it be determined by them
I must admit I had a hand in defiling the image of women
By accepting the objectification of the beauty of God's creation
Women should be treated like very expansive diamonds
Gold that cannot be sold
A treasure that are kept save from the wicked
Who once they lay their hands on this treasure
Will with no doubt treat it with no respect
And will try to profit from it
I might just be one voice
But I will state my case none the less
A woman's presence should be rejoiced
A woman's worth cannot be measured
And we shouldn't tempt to measure it
Coz out of that act we will only be producing a mess
So we should be treating woman with utmost respect
Like a new born nurtured and protected
I'm not making a statement or claiming that women are perfect
But love, respect and honor doesn't ask one to be blameless
So to all the women out there
I can't promise to treat you as you ought to be 24/7
But i'm surely going to make an effort
Putting my selfish needs aside
Coz the pleasures of this world can't compare to heaven
And who wouldn't want to experience the wonders
Of how a woman's smile can light up a room
And the knowledge of a woman's joy can brighten one's day
So I will seek to love as God loves his church
There's no greater example than Him
To each and every women
Just know that there's a God who loves you unconditionally
And a man's love cannot come close
And for romantic love that you seek in men
Seek it in men that seeks to please God
And wants to love like God does
Coz a love that's based on choice cannot be altered
In closing
Don't let anyone undermine your worth
You are surely a blessing of endless measure
Kate - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
Lord what about Kate
Would she like to go on a date
Or would she want me to be just a mate
We together can it be fate
If I've messed up please give me a clean slate
We a romantic dinner with love on the plate
What would I get if i got rate
Please help me my heart is in a state
And my mind just don't want to make a mistake
Let me be the reason she wants to celebrate
When she tell her friends and family that I'm more than just a roommate
What I feel can't be debate
Call up the love doc to help you translate
So that you won't be afraid to also walk through that gate
The state of relationship with your soulmate
And if I could I would continuously reiterate
This topic I will never overrate
Hope you also get there before it's too late
And if you've been there then you can relate
About this love bubble that will never deflate
And when you come in a couple of years for an update
You'll find out I never compromised and compensate
Because my love for her I don't want to desecrate
Wanting the life we build to be immaculate
In holy matrimony our love was consecrate
And lifes interrelate
The goal to procreate
Beautiful offspring we will create
This is my dream and not prate
And wanting my last words to be filled with love and not hate
Would she like to go on a date
Or would she want me to be just a mate
We together can it be fate
If I've messed up please give me a clean slate
We a romantic dinner with love on the plate
What would I get if i got rate
Please help me my heart is in a state
And my mind just don't want to make a mistake
Let me be the reason she wants to celebrate
When she tell her friends and family that I'm more than just a roommate
What I feel can't be debate
Call up the love doc to help you translate
So that you won't be afraid to also walk through that gate
The state of relationship with your soulmate
And if I could I would continuously reiterate
This topic I will never overrate
Hope you also get there before it's too late
And if you've been there then you can relate
About this love bubble that will never deflate
And when you come in a couple of years for an update
You'll find out I never compromised and compensate
Because my love for her I don't want to desecrate
Wanting the life we build to be immaculate
In holy matrimony our love was consecrate
And lifes interrelate
The goal to procreate
Beautiful offspring we will create
This is my dream and not prate
And wanting my last words to be filled with love and not hate
Monday, 23 July 2012
I'm made just for you - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
This my version of Gavin Degraw's song called Not Over You
Dreams, a place i will have to leave now
coz our love's too beautiful, for you to not
be in my real world, coz that would be too cold
Hope, hoping that tomorrow
we both would be more than just ok
and you would ask me to stay, coz i know, together we are good
and you will realize
If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine
coz you choose me, i'm yours and you are mine
and we will go out and sit down at a table set for two
and finally they are forced to face the truth
No matter what they say, I'm made just for you
Made just for you
Damn, damn girl you are so fine
And I love that you are innocent
You gave your heart what a love story to tell
Our story so magnificent
I'm a man in love doesn't matter what life throw me
I will stick around and won't play games
i'm better than the old me
And I will always be close too you
If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine
coz you choose me, i'm yours and you are mine
and we will go out and sit down at a table set for two
and finally they are forced to face the truth
No matter what they say, I'm made just for you
And everyday our love are renew
You know there isn't a thing I wouldn't do
I wont turn back from this right track
Because you got me convinced
So then
If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine
coz you choose me, i'm yours and you are mine
and we will go out and sit down at a table set for two
and finally they are forced to face the truth
No matter what they say, I'm made just for you
Made just for you
Made just for you
Made just for you
coz our love's too beautiful, for you to not
be in my real world, coz that would be too cold
Hope, hoping that tomorrow
we both would be more than just ok
and you would ask me to stay, coz i know, together we are good
and you will realize
If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine
coz you choose me, i'm yours and you are mine
and we will go out and sit down at a table set for two
and finally they are forced to face the truth
No matter what they say, I'm made just for you
Made just for you
Damn, damn girl you are so fine
And I love that you are innocent
You gave your heart what a love story to tell
Our story so magnificent
I'm a man in love doesn't matter what life throw me
I will stick around and won't play games
i'm better than the old me
And I will always be close too you
If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine
coz you choose me, i'm yours and you are mine
and we will go out and sit down at a table set for two
and finally they are forced to face the truth
No matter what they say, I'm made just for you
And everyday our love are renew
You know there isn't a thing I wouldn't do
I wont turn back from this right track
Because you got me convinced
So then
If you ask me how I'm doin I would say I'm doin just fine
coz you choose me, i'm yours and you are mine
and we will go out and sit down at a table set for two
and finally they are forced to face the truth
No matter what they say, I'm made just for you
Made just for you
Made just for you
Made just for you
Gavin Degraw,
I'm made just for you,
Not Over You,
Sunday, 22 July 2012
A Poet's Wish (his voice - his letter) - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
To whom this is intended...
Words that are meant to be uttered verbally, are being communicated via the print medium...
Some might say this is Romantic, while others will see differently, thinking this is (I might agree) utterly cowardliness... But I would like to think this is assurance... Assuring that what my mind processed after hearing my heart's case, are fully and completely expressed - the best way I know how.
This might take the form of a letter, but in essence this is me telling you what's on my mind. Why not tell you this in person? Well, I know myself and through experience I didn't wanted to set myself up for a disappointment... If I would have done this in your presence I would have only said half of what I intend to and in this way I won't be thrown off by your Beautiful mind interrupting me (I admit, with valid questions or points you would want to rise)...
All I can ask is that you won't judge me and make your opinion about me, by the way I choose to convey that which I'm about to say (in written form). In the end it's not how I say it, but what I'm saying that's important.
The Meaning of the words does not differ from one medium to the other. The description of the words remains the same when you consult a dictionary.
Words that are meant to be uttered verbally, are being communicated via the print medium...
Some might say this is Romantic, while others will see differently, thinking this is (I might agree) utterly cowardliness... But I would like to think this is assurance... Assuring that what my mind processed after hearing my heart's case, are fully and completely expressed - the best way I know how.
This might take the form of a letter, but in essence this is me telling you what's on my mind. Why not tell you this in person? Well, I know myself and through experience I didn't wanted to set myself up for a disappointment... If I would have done this in your presence I would have only said half of what I intend to and in this way I won't be thrown off by your Beautiful mind interrupting me (I admit, with valid questions or points you would want to rise)...
All I can ask is that you won't judge me and make your opinion about me, by the way I choose to convey that which I'm about to say (in written form). In the end it's not how I say it, but what I'm saying that's important.
The Meaning of the words does not differ from one medium to the other. The description of the words remains the same when you consult a dictionary.
So forget about your surroundings
What I'm about to do is astounding
Expressing myself with some rhyming
And within this poem you shall find me
My thoughts upon this sheet
Words that will knock you off your feet
Each and every line unique
Making your heart skip a beat
Don't get me wrong
I'm not demanding
I see a woman nothing less than strong
Her heart she might be defending
What this is, is a poem within a letter
But honestly, doest this really matter
One thing I do realise
My Dreams are vulnerable
If it gets scattered it won't be a surprise
Still I will walk away honourable
I'll give you the key to unlock the door
As you walk in you'll see it's you I adore
It will be written on the walls and floor
If there was still space I would write more
The ceiling is kept clean
Representing the Purity within me
If I could only make you see
And in the process make you believe
What might and could be
When both of us open heartedly receive
Will you join me on this beautiful journey?
A road mapped out with our lives
We can explore the endless possibilities
But we must do this willingly
Through my eyes you will have to go
The key point to reach my soul
Looking into your eyes just to show
Bringing us closer together is my goal
What I'm trying to say to you
And what I'm dreaming to do
Are two things coming together as one
Hopefully you won't have an urge to run
Seeing that there is room for fun
"Ek smaak jou met n Passion
Dis soema Goed jy study Fashion..."
This is a quote
From a poem that I wrote
That's the way I feel...
Just wanting to keep it real
You're Unbelievable...
And more...
Way more...
But what am I telling you this for
You already know this unquestionable truth
You make me stand in Awe
And I like you a lot that's for sure!
I wish the way you feel about me is the same
This poem I'm writing is not for fame
And if I'm trying to enthuse you
Am I really to blame?
And I refuse to be ashamed
This process is yet to be named
Confessions of a Poet - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
Overwhelmed with a feeling I can't control
An emotion that's unstoppable
A desire consumed with fire
A passion that will out stand any fashion
My heart asking us to start
To a girl that's Beautiful
Her Soul Incredible
Her Body Unbelievable
Her Spirit full of Life
And Heart designed with Love
Tercia is her name
Eyes of an Angel destroying the devil's flame
Riaan da poet will never be the same
Cause I encountered this Beauty and my knees got lame
In one moment my Life got changed
And now my priorities had to be re-arranged
This poem might end
But not what I Feel
My words I won't defend
Coz my Heart know what is real
An emotion that's unstoppable
A desire consumed with fire
A passion that will out stand any fashion
My heart asking us to start
To a girl that's Beautiful
Her Soul Incredible
Her Body Unbelievable
Her Spirit full of Life
And Heart designed with Love
Tercia is her name
Eyes of an Angel destroying the devil's flame
Riaan da poet will never be the same
Cause I encountered this Beauty and my knees got lame
In one moment my Life got changed
And now my priorities had to be re-arranged
This poem might end
But not what I Feel
My words I won't defend
Coz my Heart know what is real
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poetry + photoshop + a girl = my confession to a girl named Tercia |
Saturday, 21 July 2012
r 4 d - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
Definitely one of a kind
Extremely Gorgeous
Lovely flower
One Beautiful lady
Radiant angel
Enjoyable presence
Enormous heart
Sexy in every way
as I open this book
to write down what I feel
I realise that I don't know what I'm doing,
I tried to fight it
but I couldn't deny it
I must've left the door to my heart open
because butterflies that spell your name were found,
I'm not clueless when it comes to the topic love
but Ive never experienced the beauty of it
I'm not saying that I'm in love
but I'm not saying that I can't be,
all I know in this moment
when I see you I loose myself in a world unknown to me,
I can try to be poetic
and at the same time sound pathetic,
I should be open and honest
but would you be truthful or just modest,
for once I would like to be lucky
and hear someone as beautiful as you call me honey,
I might be going too far with this
but for you I'll take the risk,
on a scale from one to ten
what's the chances that we'll be more than friends,
what would be more powerful
my looks or this pen
would you take this book's worth by it's cover
or that which is written within,
you are Beauty
how I long to be the Beast
because at the end of the story
he receive the kiss
and with it his life found new meaning,
I can blow out a candle and make a wish
or just approach you without scheming
and hope for the best
as you decide what's next,
right now your standing over my heart
it's your choice to hold or crush it,
I'm taking a gamble
hoping for a royal flush
and in your presence I just blush
but I believe telling you is a must
and hope that there'll be a us,
I know there's no need to rush
but for someone as gorgeous as you
there's no guarantee of availability
and I don't want my opportunity to slip away,
requesting that in this moment
you'll see me for me
as I'll see you as someone true,
I had a lot to say
I hope you don't mind by the means I relay,
when you come to this part
let me know
because there's something I would like to ask
and one response I set my heart on,
I could end with your secret admirer
but then what's the use of this confession.
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poetry + photoshop + a girl = a poem for someone wonderful |
Fruits of Loving You - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
- let me know that I have a heart and are capable of pure emotions
- makes me examine myself and work on my faults to be come a
- better man
- makes me know keeping my treasure safe is worth it and
- being romantic isn't a waste and
- feeling down can be conquered by thinking of you, but mostly
- finding a connection that lasts forever
My Daily Declaration - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
I am a child of GOD. I am His servant. I am called with a Purpose. I have a Destiny. I am a Warrior for Christ. I am the Head and not the tail. I am a heir to His Kingdom through Jesus Christ.
I am a man in Christ. I will be faithful to my wife[the one GOD has set apart for me, and in return she will remain faithful towards and to me]. I will Honor her with my actions and word. I will Love her from now until GOD permits me.
I am a father in Christ. I will look after those He entrusted me with. Bringing them up in the Will of GOD. Whether they will be born of me[one day when I'm married] or given in my care.
I'm in this world, but not of this world.
I was what I was, I am what I am, but I'm going to be what GOD wants me to be.
This I declare in Jesus Name. Amen.
I am a man in Christ. I will be faithful to my wife[the one GOD has set apart for me, and in return she will remain faithful towards and to me]. I will Honor her with my actions and word. I will Love her from now until GOD permits me.
I am a father in Christ. I will look after those He entrusted me with. Bringing them up in the Will of GOD. Whether they will be born of me[one day when I'm married] or given in my care.
I'm in this world, but not of this world.
I was what I was, I am what I am, but I'm going to be what GOD wants me to be.
This I declare in Jesus Name. Amen.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Not to be or to be... - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
A girl I never considered to be...
A Beauty is she
No winter nor summer, or the other seasons
Will make this Flower loose it's Blossom or reason...
An Angel without Wings
But still, Joy she brings
Stimulating Love and Peace
Puting my Heart at ease
What should I do to give her a clue
Just to say "I Love U"
But what would shey say?
To go away or to stay?
Not to be or to be... Sweetheart
Let Us not be distance apart
A Beauty is she
No winter nor summer, or the other seasons
Will make this Flower loose it's Blossom or reason...
An Angel without Wings
But still, Joy she brings
Stimulating Love and Peace
Puting my Heart at ease
What should I do to give her a clue
Just to say "I Love U"
But what would shey say?
To go away or to stay?
Not to be or to be... Sweetheart
Let Us not be distance apart
The Poet Emerge
I speak from the heart, that's where it all starts, I relay with my mouth, that's where my thoughts get heard, I also speak through actions, coz at times it's louder than words...
I Love writing(songs/poems/etc). Writing what comes to me, whether I've experienced it or not, for some reason I feel that exact emotion I write about...
Here's my first poem that started out as a song...
I Love writing(songs/poems/etc). Writing what comes to me, whether I've experienced it or not, for some reason I feel that exact emotion I write about...
My first recall of writing:
It all began when I was in standard 4, when I was so in love and was singing. I wrote down the words and couldn't sing it again the same way I sang it the first time around, and decided to convert it into a poem and continued writing it. Ever since then, I expressed myself through Pen and Paper. Writing poems, and about 3 or fours ago, started writing lyrics. Through the years I had a few pseudonyms, but now known as JePro.Here's my first poem that started out as a song...
No Words Can Describe You - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
No Mountain so High
Ocean so Wide
Stormy day and
A Hot Sunny day
Going to keep me away from you
You are so Beautiful
You are so Lovely
I can say these words a thousand Times
But it won't get near how I'm describing You
You are more Beautiful, Lovely then
Words can say
Daisies and Roses won't come close
But my Heart know the Feeling
Feelings just for You
I Love You
I need You
And want to hold You
Make You feel Secure beside me
You are so Incredible
Master work of all paintings
And I'm dreaming of Us
United Together Forever
Me and You Together Forever
TWO ROSES, JUST FOR YOU - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
All the roses in the world combine
couldn't compare to your beauty
Red, not blue, yellow and pink too
Emerging from the ground
Delighting themselves in God their
Richly Blessed
Overflowing with Love
Such a Beautiful sight to see
Especially when all this describe you
An angelic voice
Noticed across the world
Designed for perfection
All I want to say is, be Blessed on
this special day
Praying that God, according to His
In your everyday life, will give you
your heart's desires
New adventures enriching your life;
and a
Kiss of Love from heaven above
Red and pink roses
Only for a lady that's one of a kind
Special in the eyes of God...
Enjoy your Birthday.
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poetry + photoshop + a birthday = a birthday wish through a poem to Jody Williams |
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