Jesus Christ is Lord
Eternal life's source
Sweet Saviour
Unison Holy Trinity
Son of GOD
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
New - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
a new brand new so fresh n clean new/me/he set me free/yes free/so free/free indeed/i didn't achieve this freedom through deeds/not by action not by might/Holy Spirit washing me clean/so clean/my mind my heart renew/renewing me/yes me/no longer on that path that leads/none other than/yes you guess it/hell/i'm now on that path that leads to the Father/Abba Father/and there's only one way to that place/Jesus/the way the truth and life/daily dying to self and receiving Jesus blessings/life/to live is Christ to die is gain/and for Him i want to live each and everyday/His mercies are new every morning/new dawn new day new opportunities to please the Father/to seek His face/on this road this journey i embark on/i'm not alone/He will never leave or forsake me/when fear wants to creep in/praises to Him i sing/to Him i bring/bring my everything/all that i am all that i be i give unto Him/He is my king/when doubt wants to overtake/i just need to recall/greater is He that's within me than he that's in the world/i'm a new being born free/now there's a mandate and lets call it fate/my place in the body my calling my ministry/going out to achieve His Kingdom/it's not easy/but it's not by might nor power/not in my own strength/through the Spirit of the Almighty GOD/thank You Father for choosing me/yes me/you gave me life and made me part of your master plan/i do not see the big picture but i know i fit in your plans/i might not always understand/but faith in You that's all that i need/You shall take care of the rest/You only have the best in mind for me and i thank You/here i am all that i am brand new i give all unto Thee/have Your way/JESUS/You're the Christ/You died and rose to give eternal life/what LOVE to die for creation so flawed and who choose to ignore Your ways/what amazing grace You took our place/to die for mankind who doesn't deserve life/but life You provide to those who believes and let You in/into our hearts/make you Lord/Lord over our lives/thank You Lord for making us/NEW/
THE TOUR... THE MASTER AND I - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
It all started when I invited him in
He requested my treasures to him I should bring
I told him I could show him where it is
But he can only look and leave it as it is
For me his request was strange
His the guest and not the master of this place
Should I show him the door
Or allow him to continue walking on my heart's floor
I showed him the love I have for my mom
And he asked me why is it locked in a room
I explained to him
Because of what happened in the past
I locked it but now the key to open it I can't find
He smiled at me and told me not to worry he'll sort it out
Right there I wanted to kick him out
Even though I can't find the key
The door locked is how I want it
And I wish he could leave it be
I showed him my love to my other family members
And the result was very much the same
And it begged the question, can I really be to blame?
I then showed him my love to my friends, neighbours and strangers
He smiled and said his pleased with me,
but I can improve more if I allow myself to feel
But there was a tear too
He asked me how come I can't love my family as much as I love these
I told him they didn't hurt and disappoint me so please just let it be
I asked him what do you really want?
Without hesitation he replied
Your heart
I already gave you most of it what else do you need?
His reply upsetted me because he wanted everything
I said fine have it, but the doors that are locked
Don't break it down, I locked it for a reason and threw away the keys
He asked me if I trust him and I told him
How could I, trusting people doesn't come easily for me
What happened next I didn't expect
The tension I felt just slipped away
And at that moment I felt relaxed
Son he said
If you only knew who you allowed in
This conversation would bring a different meaning
I'm not just anyone person
I'm not even human
That piece of information shocked me and brought me to my knees
Is it you Lord? And why have you choose to come to me?
He continued... Son I love you and there's no boundaries and limits to my love
This love is what I want you to experience
And everyone around you will see the change I will bring
I have the keys to all your doors in your heart
But I won't open any without your permission
He then gave me a tour and showed me just how much he loves me
He showed me the cross and what it means
He showed me a tomb empty
He showed me the sacrifice he made
And how Jesus took my place
With this he didn't just explained his amazing grace
But showed it too me and still had a smile on his face
I couldn't comprehend
Why waste his blood for a sinner like me
I've done uncomprehendable things
Seeked to please my fleshy desires
Instead of that which is on his heart
He told me that I do not have to comprehend
Or even understand
I just need to open up my heart and let him in
One day when I’m with him everything he will reveal
Now the question on his heart was once again revealed
Son, he asked, will you allow me to be
I interjected, but you are, how can I make you be
He laughed with grace and continued
I want you to allow me to be
King of your heart
Giving me the thrown and allowing me to rule
I can assure you everything will fall into place
It might not always go your way
But my way isn't yours
The sun might not always shine
But there's purpose in the rain
You might not see change immediately
But growth takes time
And a premature baby doesn't always live
So don't be hasty
Wait on me
And even though I have the keys to open that close doors
Just give me the go ahead
And I will flood your heart with my love
Breaking all doors, locked and unlocked
And it will overflow
Washing away all impurities
Cleansing your soul
I will make you promises and see it through
Because I am God and cannot lie
I will guide you through obstacles
Be with you on every journey
And wait for you at the finish line
Run my son, run your fullest, run your best
I'll be cheering you on
You are already a winner
Believe it, just remember you won the race of conception
I love you
I welcomed him in a second time around
With the knowledge of who he is this time around
Just there and then the stonewall around my heart collapsed
And I couldn't stop crying
My father, my saviour was busy cleansing me
What a joyous experience
What a blessing to receive
I know I will never be the same again
For God's name was written on my heart's thrown
It was written with something more permanent then ink
It was written with his son's blood
I gave him a tour
But he knew my heart better than I ever could
He gave me a tour
Showing me his love
And now my life has been forever changed
This is my tour with my Master.
He requested my treasures to him I should bring
I told him I could show him where it is
But he can only look and leave it as it is
For me his request was strange
His the guest and not the master of this place
Should I show him the door
Or allow him to continue walking on my heart's floor
I showed him the love I have for my mom
And he asked me why is it locked in a room
I explained to him
Because of what happened in the past
I locked it but now the key to open it I can't find
He smiled at me and told me not to worry he'll sort it out
Right there I wanted to kick him out
Even though I can't find the key
The door locked is how I want it
And I wish he could leave it be
I showed him my love to my other family members
And the result was very much the same
And it begged the question, can I really be to blame?
I then showed him my love to my friends, neighbours and strangers
He smiled and said his pleased with me,
but I can improve more if I allow myself to feel
But there was a tear too
He asked me how come I can't love my family as much as I love these
I told him they didn't hurt and disappoint me so please just let it be
I asked him what do you really want?
Without hesitation he replied
Your heart
I already gave you most of it what else do you need?
His reply upsetted me because he wanted everything
I said fine have it, but the doors that are locked
Don't break it down, I locked it for a reason and threw away the keys
He asked me if I trust him and I told him
How could I, trusting people doesn't come easily for me
What happened next I didn't expect
The tension I felt just slipped away
And at that moment I felt relaxed
Son he said
If you only knew who you allowed in
This conversation would bring a different meaning
I'm not just anyone person
I'm not even human
That piece of information shocked me and brought me to my knees
Is it you Lord? And why have you choose to come to me?
He continued... Son I love you and there's no boundaries and limits to my love
This love is what I want you to experience
And everyone around you will see the change I will bring
I have the keys to all your doors in your heart
But I won't open any without your permission
He then gave me a tour and showed me just how much he loves me
He showed me the cross and what it means
He showed me a tomb empty
He showed me the sacrifice he made
And how Jesus took my place
With this he didn't just explained his amazing grace
But showed it too me and still had a smile on his face
I couldn't comprehend
Why waste his blood for a sinner like me
I've done uncomprehendable things
Seeked to please my fleshy desires
Instead of that which is on his heart
He told me that I do not have to comprehend
Or even understand
I just need to open up my heart and let him in
One day when I’m with him everything he will reveal
Now the question on his heart was once again revealed
Son, he asked, will you allow me to be
I interjected, but you are, how can I make you be
He laughed with grace and continued
I want you to allow me to be
King of your heart
Giving me the thrown and allowing me to rule
I can assure you everything will fall into place
It might not always go your way
But my way isn't yours
The sun might not always shine
But there's purpose in the rain
You might not see change immediately
But growth takes time
And a premature baby doesn't always live
So don't be hasty
Wait on me
And even though I have the keys to open that close doors
Just give me the go ahead
And I will flood your heart with my love
Breaking all doors, locked and unlocked
And it will overflow
Washing away all impurities
Cleansing your soul
I will make you promises and see it through
Because I am God and cannot lie
I will guide you through obstacles
Be with you on every journey
And wait for you at the finish line
Run my son, run your fullest, run your best
I'll be cheering you on
You are already a winner
Believe it, just remember you won the race of conception
I love you
I welcomed him in a second time around
With the knowledge of who he is this time around
Just there and then the stonewall around my heart collapsed
And I couldn't stop crying
My father, my saviour was busy cleansing me
What a joyous experience
What a blessing to receive
I know I will never be the same again
For God's name was written on my heart's thrown
It was written with something more permanent then ink
It was written with his son's blood
I gave him a tour
But he knew my heart better than I ever could
He gave me a tour
Showing me his love
And now my life has been forever changed
This is my tour with my Master.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Beautiful Stranger - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
How do I explain and put it in words
And speak about her that's unknown
A girl so beautiful and wonderful
But words can't exclaim or explain
To me she's a stranger
But to my heart she is well-known
Our paths might have crossed
Or our separate journeys must still reach that crossroad
A place where we will meet
And we will just know
Our hearts are already aware
That's why we must take care
And shouldn't just let anyone in
Because our hearts are a gift
That belongs to the one
Someone special God had in mind
Before He created us and placed us in this world
He made us unique individuals
A perfect fit to become one
I waited all these years and had my fears
But God is still in control
I do believe
That I will receive
The heart kept just for me
So I will keep
My heart meant for one
So that we'll exchange
On that faithful day
My heart to her
Her heart to me
And no longer will she be
My Beautiful Stranger
But my Love so Beautiful
And speak about her that's unknown
A girl so beautiful and wonderful
But words can't exclaim or explain
To me she's a stranger
But to my heart she is well-known
Our paths might have crossed
Or our separate journeys must still reach that crossroad
A place where we will meet
And we will just know
Our hearts are already aware
That's why we must take care
And shouldn't just let anyone in
Because our hearts are a gift
That belongs to the one
Someone special God had in mind
Before He created us and placed us in this world
He made us unique individuals
A perfect fit to become one
I waited all these years and had my fears
But God is still in control
I do believe
That I will receive
The heart kept just for me
So I will keep
My heart meant for one
So that we'll exchange
On that faithful day
My heart to her
Her heart to me
And no longer will she be
My Beautiful Stranger
But my Love so Beautiful
Something for all - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
I'm gonna start with something small/so that you can comprehend/and allow it to grow/so that you can follow and understand/it's a journey for all/both young and old/you can come as you are/no need to fit into one mold/i'm gonna tell it like it is/not gonna tip toe/i'm gonna give you the truth/coz I got a shipload/
It's not because I deserve it/it's not because I can have it/it's because I need it/and because he gave it/I wasn't out seeking for it/I neva knew that it existed/but since he allow me to find it/a new life is what i've gain/I can never go back/or even my old life try to claim/it is like it's sixfeet under/and there's no digging up the grave/I once was a chainless slave/but now free because he forgave/bondage was more than a word/but now part of a sentence/telling everyone from where I came/some will think this is lame/and a few will think i'm insane/but none of them can point the finger/and try to give me the blame/when their eyes are opened/but it's too late/this is for all ages/no where you'll find an age restriction/when you flip through the pages/when you open the good book/and have more than one look/you'll find the same thing/for all he came/but we have to believe/so i'll let you all know... That/
I'm gonna start with something small/so that you can comprehend/and allow it to grow/so that you can follow and understand/it's a journey for all/both young and old/you can come as you are/no need to fit into one mold/i'm gonna tell it like it is/not gonna tip toe/i'm gonna give you the truth/coz I got a shipload/
Verse 2/for some this will be something new/others will say this is something I knew/but the knowledge of this truth is one step closer/accepting the truth and allowing Jesus to come live within you/that's what will make the difference/so when you hear this/you can't say you didn't know of his existance/coz there will come a time when we all will stand inline/he will group us into those who accepted him/and those who choose to decline/to both young and old/time's running out tomorrow's not promise/so when you step into your grave/for your sake I hope you accepted his amazing grace/that will allow you to one day see him face to face/but for now I will pray we will meet at his place/
I'm gonna start with something small/so that you can comprehend/and allow it to grow/so that you can follow and understand/it's a journey for all/both young and old/you can come as you are/no need to fit into one mold/i'm gonna tell it like it is/not gonna tip toe/i'm gonna give you the truth/coz I got a shipload/
We've arrived at the 3rd verse/let me tell you a little something 'bout me/me me me/it's all 'bout me/that was my life tune/but since I came to believe and received/my life station is tuned into Jesus fm/because of him my life can be a blessing/not living for me but for him/did I mention he is king/nope/well now you know/he is king/gave my life to him/so he is my lord/are you bored/that attitude you can't afford/I will carry my bible/coz it's a two edge sword/there's till much to explore/open the book/read read read/go over the same verse and getting a different meaning/God can speak to you using just one verse for different situations/you see my God has no limitations/he created earth and everything in it/his almighty don't bother having a fight with him/he can wipe your existence with just one blink/and don't even break a sweat/if this revelation don't cause you to be thinking/then you better open up your eyes coz you're sinking/I did tell you I have a shipload/alota/so many/ya/it's so true/this truth I have allow me to walk on the ocean so blue/well Jesus said we will be able to do what he has/and more/so drop to the floor/and give him your all/coz/
He will make you start with something small/his the truth and with him you will comprehend/stay in his presence and you will grow/if there's something you don't follow he will make you understand/it's a journey for all/both young and old/you can come as you are/no need to fit into one mold/i'm gonna tell it like it is/not gonna tip toe/i'm gonna give my all to him coz his alive that's the truth/and he has followers so much more than a shipload/
I'm gonna start with something small/so that you can comprehend/and allow it to grow/so that you can follow and understand/it's a journey for all/both young and old/you can come as you are/no need to fit into one mold/i'm gonna tell it like it is/not gonna tip toe/i'm gonna give you the truth/coz I got a shipload/
It's not because I deserve it/it's not because I can have it/it's because I need it/and because he gave it/I wasn't out seeking for it/I neva knew that it existed/but since he allow me to find it/a new life is what i've gain/I can never go back/or even my old life try to claim/it is like it's sixfeet under/and there's no digging up the grave/I once was a chainless slave/but now free because he forgave/bondage was more than a word/but now part of a sentence/telling everyone from where I came/some will think this is lame/and a few will think i'm insane/but none of them can point the finger/and try to give me the blame/when their eyes are opened/but it's too late/this is for all ages/no where you'll find an age restriction/when you flip through the pages/when you open the good book/and have more than one look/you'll find the same thing/for all he came/but we have to believe/so i'll let you all know... That/
I'm gonna start with something small/so that you can comprehend/and allow it to grow/so that you can follow and understand/it's a journey for all/both young and old/you can come as you are/no need to fit into one mold/i'm gonna tell it like it is/not gonna tip toe/i'm gonna give you the truth/coz I got a shipload/
Verse 2/for some this will be something new/others will say this is something I knew/but the knowledge of this truth is one step closer/accepting the truth and allowing Jesus to come live within you/that's what will make the difference/so when you hear this/you can't say you didn't know of his existance/coz there will come a time when we all will stand inline/he will group us into those who accepted him/and those who choose to decline/to both young and old/time's running out tomorrow's not promise/so when you step into your grave/for your sake I hope you accepted his amazing grace/that will allow you to one day see him face to face/but for now I will pray we will meet at his place/
I'm gonna start with something small/so that you can comprehend/and allow it to grow/so that you can follow and understand/it's a journey for all/both young and old/you can come as you are/no need to fit into one mold/i'm gonna tell it like it is/not gonna tip toe/i'm gonna give you the truth/coz I got a shipload/
We've arrived at the 3rd verse/let me tell you a little something 'bout me/me me me/it's all 'bout me/that was my life tune/but since I came to believe and received/my life station is tuned into Jesus fm/because of him my life can be a blessing/not living for me but for him/did I mention he is king/nope/well now you know/he is king/gave my life to him/so he is my lord/are you bored/that attitude you can't afford/I will carry my bible/coz it's a two edge sword/there's till much to explore/open the book/read read read/go over the same verse and getting a different meaning/God can speak to you using just one verse for different situations/you see my God has no limitations/he created earth and everything in it/his almighty don't bother having a fight with him/he can wipe your existence with just one blink/and don't even break a sweat/if this revelation don't cause you to be thinking/then you better open up your eyes coz you're sinking/I did tell you I have a shipload/alota/so many/ya/it's so true/this truth I have allow me to walk on the ocean so blue/well Jesus said we will be able to do what he has/and more/so drop to the floor/and give him your all/coz/
He will make you start with something small/his the truth and with him you will comprehend/stay in his presence and you will grow/if there's something you don't follow he will make you understand/it's a journey for all/both young and old/you can come as you are/no need to fit into one mold/i'm gonna tell it like it is/not gonna tip toe/i'm gonna give my all to him coz his alive that's the truth/and he has followers so much more than a shipload/
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Look at me - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
truly renewed, changed heart new start, born again, on the straight and narrow, erased past, walking with no condemnation, cloaked in righteousness, salvation freely received, only requirement to believe and let Jesus in, make him king, look at me, who do you see, the man i used to be, or someone brand new, i hope the latter, coz that man is better, dying to self in order to live the good life, following the footsteps of the Christ, the source of life
look at me,
once was lost now found,
blinded by lies but see clearly now,
man in the mirror i don't recognize,
needed life, gave him my heart and received eternal life
beautiful day isn't it, sun shining outside, but the storm's in the inside, all you see is rain clouds, and the weather forecast predicting hurricanes, you are caught without a life raft, stranded no one for miles, on your own island with no hope of any rescuing, but then he steps in and throw you a life line, but you don't see it, you're still blind, blinded by the world's lies, eating it like french fries, tasty ain't it, but it's causing you your life, time to open up your eyes, and time to realise, your storm can be over if you just give your life to Jehovah, if you doubt the results, just look at my life, look at me now
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Living - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
this morning this day isn't mine
this journey this life isn't either
this road that i'm on
from the beginning of my life
to the day when i pass on
all of this is a moment in time
just passing through to get to you
o Lord here i am
unworthy so please help me understand
how someone like me is part of your master plan
how someone like you would die for someone like me
before i was conceived before i came to be
i was a thought and you knew i would disappoint
but Lord you didn't abort and you kept me to this point
you call me your child and we're only separated for awhile
until that glorious day when we're united
help me be all you want me to be
help me see clearly all you want me to see
and help me live a godly life
living by your Spirit through faith
so i was what i was
i am what i am
but i will be what you Lord wants me to be
this journey this life isn't either
this road that i'm on
from the beginning of my life
to the day when i pass on
all of this is a moment in time
just passing through to get to you
o Lord here i am
unworthy so please help me understand
how someone like me is part of your master plan
how someone like you would die for someone like me
before i was conceived before i came to be
i was a thought and you knew i would disappoint
but Lord you didn't abort and you kept me to this point
you call me your child and we're only separated for awhile
until that glorious day when we're united
help me be all you want me to be
help me see clearly all you want me to see
and help me live a godly life
living by your Spirit through faith
so i was what i was
i am what i am
but i will be what you Lord wants me to be
Friday, 8 February 2013
N.O.B.L.E. MAN - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
Not ordinary
Ordinary plus extra
Brave in the face of fear
Love unconditionally
Each and everyday practice and not just preach
MAN, what can I say, this is just not just another like any other kinda brother, let me break it down, noble, not a dude wearing a crown distinguished by rank or title, a man with character, although flawed still fixed in the Lord, a man with honor, who has dignity and integrity unlike any other, characterized by high moral qualities, being honest truthful trustworthy, just to mention a few, and how about having self-respect being tolerant and don't forget fidelity and loyalty, don't read me wrong, i'm not trying to say perfection, no man is perfect and being noble doesn't require one to be flawless, you might wonder can one man have all this, my answer is yes and add some more, compassionate, shows good will, generosity, charitable, considerate, kind, there's still some more, let me put it in the following line and make it part of this rhyme, being just and fair, having empathy patience and a forgiving heart
Not ordinary
Ordinary plus extra
Brave in the face of fear
Love unconditionally
Each and everyday practice and not just preach
MAN, here i go again with another verse, pen and paper down and done with rehearse, as you can guess this is the last verse, who you wanna be, some wanna be or someone people would want to be, let me tell you about a, he was all about fun and games, and b, all about the honey wanting to be queen bee, and c just knew what to say to get his way, d, now that's someone to admire, his actions always inspire, but he always came last, like an applicant failed to get hired, a b c and d were close friends, from boys to men, always there for one another, but b messed up and got with a's wife, c no longer had his charm that came with his youth, broke the law and couldn't charm his way out, a got bored, broke the law and got caught, a and c were in it together, did the crime now doing the time, b was so entangled in lies, but wifey made a discovery, signed the papers and split, d never turned his back on his friends, not condoning the deeds but never condemning the man, his a verse 1 type of guy
N, O, B, L, E
Not ordinary
Ordinary plus extra
Brave in the face of fear
Love unconditionally
Each and everyday practice and not just preach
Ordinary plus extra
Brave in the face of fear
Love unconditionally
Each and everyday practice and not just preach
MAN, what can I say, this is just not just another like any other kinda brother, let me break it down, noble, not a dude wearing a crown distinguished by rank or title, a man with character, although flawed still fixed in the Lord, a man with honor, who has dignity and integrity unlike any other, characterized by high moral qualities, being honest truthful trustworthy, just to mention a few, and how about having self-respect being tolerant and don't forget fidelity and loyalty, don't read me wrong, i'm not trying to say perfection, no man is perfect and being noble doesn't require one to be flawless, you might wonder can one man have all this, my answer is yes and add some more, compassionate, shows good will, generosity, charitable, considerate, kind, there's still some more, let me put it in the following line and make it part of this rhyme, being just and fair, having empathy patience and a forgiving heart
Not ordinary
Ordinary plus extra
Brave in the face of fear
Love unconditionally
Each and everyday practice and not just preach
MAN, here i go again with another verse, pen and paper down and done with rehearse, as you can guess this is the last verse, who you wanna be, some wanna be or someone people would want to be, let me tell you about a, he was all about fun and games, and b, all about the honey wanting to be queen bee, and c just knew what to say to get his way, d, now that's someone to admire, his actions always inspire, but he always came last, like an applicant failed to get hired, a b c and d were close friends, from boys to men, always there for one another, but b messed up and got with a's wife, c no longer had his charm that came with his youth, broke the law and couldn't charm his way out, a got bored, broke the law and got caught, a and c were in it together, did the crime now doing the time, b was so entangled in lies, but wifey made a discovery, signed the papers and split, d never turned his back on his friends, not condoning the deeds but never condemning the man, his a verse 1 type of guy
N, O, B, L, E
Not ordinary
Ordinary plus extra
Brave in the face of fear
Love unconditionally
Each and everyday practice and not just preach
Monday, 4 February 2013
Sunshine and Rain - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
I'm no stranger to both sunshine and rain, inside out I began to doubt, because of all the rain I've been experiencing, brought me to the point where I wonder if my life's just one big storm, with moments of sunshine, the eye of the storm, it seems like this was the norm, but through it all, I stood tall, molding me that's what he's been doing, I grew and now I'm stronger, constantly growing, his love's constantly showing, in and through my life, circumstances, subjects of life teaching me how to live right, and not to give up and just to hold on, fight the good fight, keep the faith, everyday praise him for his love and amazing grace, call me poet call me Riaan call me JePro, doesn't really matter, the name is just a means to address me, it doesn't make me, rain is there for a reason, how else will flowers grow, sunshine also has it's purpose in the lifespan of a flower, both sunshine and rain are crucial in it's growth, this is a metaphor of a beautiful life, a life found in Jesus Christ...
Happiness - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
How strange is it that we all seek to be happy
And not knowing what it is to be truly happy
People's approval or being in their company won't make you happy
Places ventured or unventured can't make you happy
Inside yourself lies the key to true happiness
No one else can access it for you
Events, uge or small affects one's mood and gives the illusion of happy or unhappiness
Submerge yourself in the truth that happiness are only temporary
So rather seek joy that will last for eternity that's found in He who holds eternity
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