Thursday, 21 January 2016

died with my author - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

some songs died with their authors, undiscovered, lost forever, dearly beloved what are we ought to do, what are we suppose to do now, about those going down the same path, they do not get discovered, we can blame it on them, but what about those who daily get discouraged, pushed down, ugly words painted vividly killing their spirits, they do not feel like feeling, the pain and hurt are so real, for some the only out is to be killed

all the talent out there crying to be heard, but no one is hearing, listen to them songs speaking, they are saying:

today i died with my author, i never saw the daylight, and my voice wasn't heard, i wanted to tell you a story, i wanted to tell you just how i feel, my friends and i have untold stories, we could have told just how our authors felt, we could have been their voices when they could not speak, didn't know how to articulate just what's on their hearts, we could have been the link between them and the world, but we are drowning voices untold stories, we died with our authors

this is one author's voice hear me now, lets stand together, united, poets and authors fighting with our pens, spread love instead of hatred, speak peace instead of war, give a kind word for your fellow man, they might just be drowning in this ocean called life, and your words might just be that lifeboat needed, lets think of others for a change, lets lift each other up instead of pulling each other down, lets be the light in this dark fading world, and who knows...

another song, another poem, another piece in written form might just survive and come to life because someone felt inspired to write

Friday, 15 January 2016

speak up - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

give me the mic i'll settle for a loudspeaker, don't call me a speaker or a preacher, just call me by what i'm known, anyways this's not about me, so eyes turn to the left or the right, better yet focus on God and not me, lets make His name famous YHWH, lets speak up speak out speak to the inner-man, speak to the spirit within the real you and me, eternal life is at stake, most of the world believe the gospel of the good news are fake, but lets dig deeper, intercede and seek before they meet the reaper

i wanna speak up, before our time's up, before the time to choose life is up, i wanna speak up, i wanna tell them, let's tell them, it's simple yet so powerful, this gospel of good news, how a God became man, lived died rose and gave us the choice to choose eternal life

let me drop a few scriptures, lets start with the o so famous one, John 3 sixteen, Romans 3 twenty three, Romans 10 nine, and one more before i go, John 10 nine

Saturday, 2 January 2016

no more - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

i don't know what to do, i am crazy inlove, but to whom, you're not the same person i knew, i need to get out of this, i don't want to repeat the same cycle, ending up with a broken heart, regreting ever starting, but when it started i had hope this will be everlasting...

rest in pieces you big ass teaser, love me then leave me for no good reason, got me hooked like a fish who took the bait, and when i realised it it was too late, i can choose to call it fate, but we both know it was a big mistake, the result a heart filled with hate, love got ripped out and replaced, and now i'm a different man looking for a clean slate, look closer and investigate, my emotions always seemed to betray me, and lately i felt it hates me, falling in an endless pit with no clear sight of landing, no ground insight, is this my plight, it just doesn't feel right, my feelings seem to consume me, it looks like its out to ruin me...

i want to i have to i need to but really i got to, get to the point where there's no you, no you in my dreams, no you in my thoughts, no you in my heart, it's gonna be tough but i got to start...

Friday, 1 January 2016

Change - Riaan 'JePro' Davids

It's a new year, it's my brand new start...
But that should not be the case.
It's a new me, the beginning of change, and it should  not have to be a new year resolution; awaiting for the final countdown into a new year.
Waiting for a new year to chance will be an inevitable endless cycle. A rollercoaster of emotions. An emotion based decision that will be altered with the next flood of emotions.

It's a brand new me. The beginning of change within. It just happens to be the start of a new year; and what a way to start this year. Marking a pivotal point in my life. My change has nothing to do with the hype of new year, but everything to do with what's within me. This new year however was the cause of me thinking about these things, with the evidence of past years gone. How history played off and how a world system are fooling itself with the same old thing. Year after year.

I am ready for change. A brand new heart, a clean and pure loving heart. A renewed mind giving birth to a sweet loving soul. A body that is not perfect but will be in shape; 'cause who has the right to decide what's perfect? Saying skinny or slim bodies are perfect and the rest are not.

But I will not fool myself in believing I can do this all by myself. Only the One who formed me and knows me completely can bring about change. So this year, I am giving myself to my Lord and Saviour. This day, I surrender my all to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God who gave His only begotten son, Jesus (Yeshua) (fully God and fully man) to die on the cross and who rose again and are now seated at the right hand of God. I give myself over to the workings of the Holy Spirit; giving total control and full permission to do what needs to be done. Every aspect of my life is in the hands of the Almighty God. My ABBA Father.