Why do we dare calling certain people ugly?
We might not say it out loud, but we at times think it.
I am guilty of that too. I can blame it on society, my upbringing and my sinful nature before I came to know Christ.
Ugly is a man made word to describe that which does not reach or fulfill man's standards.
Why are we calling that which was made in God's image ugly?
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Lets ask God to renew our minds and thinking in this regard too.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
distractions - Riaan ‘JePro’ Davids
i got to stop getting so distracted, clicking one vid after another, then after a few hours wondering where time flew, come on dude, you knew, this is how we spend our time instead of investing in that which will extend the Kingdom of God, we get so easily entertained by the kingdom of this world, laughter brought about by a funny clip, a delusion of happiness liquid for a thirsty sorrowed soul, plenty more that can be mentioned but you get the point, but you might not be convinced that it is wrong, it is just to pass some time, to relax before sleep to start another busy day, and that is everyday, even your weekends has agendas that only include an hour or two for the Author of Life, and then you wonder why your life is as it is
we get so distracted by the beauty of this world, and not the Author of it all, we worship the creation and not THE Creator, and then we wonder why we can’t see pass our hand, can’t seem to understand, cannot stand the truth, can’t hear the voice of God, and feel so spiritually dead, that is because mostly most of you are dead, and never ever had an encounter with the Spirit of God, you’ve never met, the sinner’s prayer was just that, a prayer from a sinner to speak to the sinner’s heart and not with God, to clear your conscious and walk away with a false hope of eternal life, this is very scary, especially when your eyes are truly awaken, and if this is the case, just go on your knees, Praise YHWH, and thank Him for revealing all of this to you, but now beyond having this knowledge, there is some work to be done
you get so distracted, this very song can be just one of those ways, ‘coz if this song isn’t speaking truth to you that will move you to seek God, then this is just poetry without any rhyme or reason and no meaning, but i pray that this won’t be the case, i hope after this you will go and seek, truly seek God’s face, go to you pray’r closet and make your case known, not that God doesn't know, but the words that needs to come out of your mouth, is so that your soul will become aware of it’s true nature, and the pending Wrath awaiting it, unless True Conversion occurs, where you have meet the Truly Amazing Savior through the inner working of the Holy Spirit, as only the Spirit of God can lead man to Repentance
Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that he died on the cross to satisfy God’s Righteous Wrath for man’s sin, and after three days rose from death and are alive, then seek the Word of God to test that you are Truly in the Faith, and see whether you’ve experienced Regeneration
Yeshua, the one and only begotten son of YHWH are Savior and Lord!
Confessions of a Poet,
Friday, 24 June 2016
i’m back - Riaan ‘JePro’ Davids
i’m back, back with a vision, back with a mission,
no unclean words and lies and no compromise,
i know i will fail at times, just a little disclaimer,
before any man(kind) want to get on that judgment seat,
my life song will sing of Him (YHWH) that is worthy of all Honor,
Worthy of all Praises, and that’s my intent,
No watered down Gospel, no tipping around on shattered eggs,
The Gospel of Good News are strong enough to stand on its own legs,
i’m just a vessel unworthy but God deemed it to use me,
so i will not take it lightly, the war has been won,
the battle is on, and in my weakness God is strong,
my fight is not against mankind, that’s a delusion that we all are facing,
a mask that the enemy has been using,
our war is spiritual, always been and always will,
so when your brother hurt you, disappoint you,
do you not hold it against you, yes i said you,
‘coz at the end of the day it is not your brother alone that’s in prison by it,
the bitterness, the anger, the hatred is destroying you more than it will him,
and unforgiveness will be the very thing that will keep you out of eternity,
eternal life, ‘coz we all will enter into eternity, some eternal condemnation (Hell),
others, those who not only made Jesus Christ (the one and only begotten son of GOD) Lord,
but lived according to His Word, those who remained in Him and bear fruit,
there is a Narrow Gate, but there is a Narrow Way as well,
you cannot say you are born again, that you repented, but keep on with your old ways,
still looking like the world, and no evidence of a renewed life,
so in closing, but the new start, I LOVE JESUS CHRIST, and am NOT Ashamed of it,
will declare it… i’m not perfect, but there will be a movement of change,
changing more into a godly character, and Only through the Grace of GOD!
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
the time is now - Riaan ‘JePro’ Davids
time to speak out, speak up, no time to remain silence, when everyone is heading to a dead end, that will be their very end, death, we cannot take this lightly, we should shine our lights so they can see, but how can we shine our light when we haven’t been filling up on oil, our lamps running on empty, and then we wonder why we are tripping over things in the dark, we becoming the blind who wants to lead the blind, we have a task, a mandate, and we’ve forgotten about it, our lifestyle speaks about it, or rather against our verbal convictions, coz our heart’s conviction isn’t as we talk, coz the evidence is in our walk, we proclaim God with our mouths, but deny Him in our lives, our daily day by day routine will shine the light on this last statement, go ahead make your case, and test yourself against God’s Word, if you didn’t know, now you will know, we need to examine ourselves to see if we are still in the faith, read 2nd Corinthians 13 verse 5, and then head over to Philippians 2 twelve, which states that we need to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, so my question to you and even to myself, are we walking closely with God, do we know Him, but more importantly does the author and creator who made us in His image know us…
the time is now, not when the bad habits comes to an end, not when i am of age, not when my friends and family have made that choice…
the time is now, coz we do not know when our time is up, sands through that hourglass, more like God giving you the gift of life, a hope a chance a yes or no question in which the choice lies with you, choose life or death, that’s the only options, but when that last tick in the tick tick of the clock has been reached and you had your last breath, the decision has been made, by which in the case where you haven’t said yes to the Lord, making Jesus (Yeshua!) Christ Lord, you have chosen death, and there won’t be a second chance to change your outcome, eternity without God, is an eternity in hell, and God don’t choose to send man there, man choose by denying Christ…
now back to us who claim to be in faith, don’t listen to people around you, don’t listen to your heart, only God can truly examine your heart, listen to the Word of God, don’t be misled, don’t eat everything you are being fed, no one can tell you that you are saved, only God can tell you that, we can only be the vessel through which the Holy Spirit will give the Gospel of Good News to reach a lost world, only the Holy Spirit can lead men to repentance, and only God can save us, so it is time, the time is now, where we say ’til here and no further, we will be giving the full Gospel message, not a watered down version, not a version of prosperity and good life, but straight from the Word of God, and will preach it with our lives, in word and deed, our talk and walk, showing the world we love God by obeying His’ commandments, obeying His Word…
the time is now to wake up and start walking closely with God…
Confessions of a Poet,
the time is now
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