This song got inspired on a song from a different artist, before even listening to his lyrics I got hooked, and now I'm in the kitchen cooking up a storm, thank God for my abc's, without it this song I wouldn't be able to piece together, I would have known what I feel, what I want to say, but no way to relay.
I'm a rapper, I'm an artist, a poet and I just want to show it, but not to glow or get big headed, pride there's no room for it, to be honest, questioning why I have this talent and the use for it, am I hiding this light under a bowl, or am I in a dark tunnel letting it glow, for everyone to see letting it show, in every line that I dot down an emotion comes along, in every rhyme a message hidden, and every song or poem I thread together a theme.
In the core of it all, you either gain the world or loose it all, where are you investing your life, in what are you placing your trust, we are facing battles everyday, some of us choose to be anchored in love, while others give themselves up in lust, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, lusting after possessions and self gratification, we can blame it on our circumstance and our upbringing, we can point the finger at our educators for the type of education, play the blame game for our outlook, our world view, why not go closer to home, and say it is our parents parenting.
My word of advice, go to the mirror and have a deep long look, and have that long overdue conversation, at first you might not like it, might not know what to say, where to start, but it is needed, why not start with a simple hello, speak yourself up, superficial words and what not, and then go much deeper, we need to go all the way down to the roots, this full grown tree has plenty of fruit and needs to be uprooted, we can't just remove the fruits coz soon afterwards it will just bear more, a cycle that will continue until we remove it all, it will not be easy but worth the freedom.
As much as I'm speaking to you I'm speaking to myself, I led a life I'm not proud of, but I will choose to believe in it all God can use it all, my life story my testimony all for His glory.