The difference between a christian artist and an artist that are christian, lies in their relationship with God. Between Jesus being their Saviour and Jesus being their Saviour and Lord. Lordship demands total surrender to God's will. A life in all aspects, from doing your job to the intimate moments with your spouse, is to the glory of God. We are called to be a light to the world. Not in certain areas, but in all we do.
A new being. The keyword being "New". Something different from the old. Who are you trying to please? Yourself, mankind or God? Who's life force is in you? satan or GOD?
This question, this thought can be applied to all mankind and not just artists. We are in this world, but no longer off this world. I am not totally at that point yet; I am talking to myself as well. I haven't fully surrendered, as my life choices testifies about it. My inner secrets. My shameful moments. My unholy thoughts and desires.
Just because you made a choice, doesn't mean you have to stick to it. The beauty of choice is that you can made a different decision and turn away from previous decisions.
"I'm only human, but my humanity shouldn't be an excuse for my actions. In every situation there is always a choice, we just tend to not choose the option that is difficult, and say I didn't have a choice." - Riaan 'JePro' Davids
I'll leave you with the following thought:
"Your field can only produce what you have sown. Do not expect a harvest of any other kind." - Riaan 'JePro' Davids